We can proudly add power-metal overlords Gloryhammer to our list of clients!
When their pan-dimensional bass-slayer, The Hootsman, got in touch and asked us to put together a custom pickguard we were honoured to get involved!
Check out what we made on their Instagram post!
We’ve since made two sets- one for Hoots’ ESP Phoenix 1004, and another for his Gibson Thunderbird Studio.

The first guard we made for his ESP Phoenix was used for several dates of Gloryhammer’s 2023 USA tour supporting Alestorm– an anodised bronze guard, complete with engraved Hootsman logo! The anodised effect is made by exposing the copper pickguard to some grim chemicals, which oxidise the top layer of the metal in a green colour. Engraving down to the shiny fresh copper layer underneath then really makes the colour pop!

Then, later in the year we were tasked with working alongside Jack’s Instrument Services to prepare Hoots’ latest bass, a Gibson Thunderbird Studio, in time for a double header tour with Beast In Black– and by the looks of some awesome tour updates on their instagram it’s been melting faces out on the road ever since!

Together with JIS we fitted a new set of EMG Thunderbird pickups, gave the bass a setup, and created a custom brushed aluminium scratchplate with engraved Hootsman logo and custom black anodised and engraved ‘Hoots’ truss rod cover! We love infilling aluminium guards in paint- it can add to the contrast a great deal and make logos and engraving really stand out.

The guys were even kind enough to dedicate an instagram post to this weapon of bass destruction!

Does your own bass (or guitar) need a power up? Order your new favourite pickguard today!