Brown Bakelite blank sheet– please note, due to manufacturing processes beyond our control this often has scratches under the protective layer and is thus sold as ‘pre-reliced’. These can be mitigated by lacquering the guard in the same manner Fender used to back in the 50’s.
Pickguard Material
Bakelite Brown Pickguard Blank Sheet
Rectangular sheet material for making your own pickguard at home – create your own unique design and shape! Great for when you have a non-standard pickguard or unusual pickups
Our full large sheets come with enough material to make one whole Stratocaster pickguard, or two for a Telecaster, this pickguard material ensures a great looking finish for your next guitar project.
Our image above shows and example of a 45° edge cut and a counter sunk screw hole as well as some sample guitar pickguards that have been cut from this material 🙂
Used commonly for Scratchplates, backplates, control plates, truss rod covers, tremolo covers and electronics covers for guitars and basses
Each sheet comes with a protective film covering, which ensures it reaches you in top condition. We’d also recommend leaving this on whilst doing your cutting, so you can prevent any scratches during the installation process.
This page is for the sale of DIY sheet material only – We custom design and cut pickguards of course which you can enquire about here